Although Lynette has been actively involved over the years in various projects associated with her historical research, including numerous documentaries, special commemorations and anniversaries, the bulk of her spare time is devoted to ensuring that the sacrifices made by Allied soldiers and the local people in Borneo during World War 2 are not forgotten.
She began in 1999 by organising organising Anzac Day services at Sandakan. At the first service there were fewer than twenty people in attendance, all Australians who had travelled to Sabah. By 2007, when the Australian Government took over the task, the numbers had swelled to about 400. In 2003 she established a fund to install huge stained glass windows in the historic church of St Michael and All Angels, Sandakan, where many POWs spent the night before being marched to their camp and, ultimately, death. Dedicated in April 2005, The Windows of Remembrance are a memorial to the Australian and British prisoners who died and a thanksgiving to the people of Sabah who risked, and gave, their lives to help them. The Friendship Windows over the north and south doors, were completed in 2008. For details on the Windows, as well as information regarding other Sandakan POW projects – see individual listings under ‘Sandakan’ menu.

church and windows

Sandakan Memorial
In addition to her research, writing and memorial projects, Lynette has been escorting groups to Sabah, in an honorary capacity, since 1999 (see Tours – Anzac Day). She is also an honorary historical consultant for treks along The Sandakan Track, which follows the original the death march route, organised by Sabah’s leading trekking specialist Tham Yau Kong ( This 100-km section of the original death march route offers a unique experience for those who are reasonably fit and with a spirit of adventure. The scenery is fantastic, and the historical and cultural experiences unforgettable. The standard itinerary can be adapted to cater for school groups, special interest groups or, if preferred, ‘custom made’ tours can be designed to suit a variety of budgets and requirements. This includes climbing Mt Kinabalu, and following other sections of the death march route on rafts or on mountain bikes. (see Tours pages). More details, itineraries and a link for immediate, direct bookings, are on the trekking website

orang utan

street market

Ranau Memorial
The standard itinerary can be adapted to cater for school groups, special interest groups or, if preferred, ‘custom made’ tours can be designed to suit a variety of budgets and requirements. This includes climbing Mt Kinabalu, and following other sections of the death march route on rafts or on mountain bikes. (see Tours pages). More details, itineraries and a link for immediate, direct bookings, are on the trekking website