Lynette Silver, who began assisting the Office of Australian War Graves (OAWG) with the development of the Sandakan Memorial Park in1995, has been involved in a number of initiatives since that time. Apart from providing expert historical and editorial advice for the information panels in the Park’s grounds and the Commemorative Pavilion, she had considerable input into the official information booklet, as well as the production of a podcast, both of which are designed to help guide visitors around the park. The booklet is available at the park and the podcast and transcript can be downloaded from the DVA website.

boiler in POW park

mechanical digger

Memorial gates

Leadlight windows in pavilion
A booklet, with the names of the local people Lynette has identified and who assisted the POWs in some way, or who served behind enemy lines as part of a guerrilla force, has also been produced by OAWG. It is available at the park for a small donation, the proceeds of which go to the Sandakan Memorial Scholarship Trust (see Sandakan Memorial Scholarship Trust)

Heroes’ Roll
One of Lynette’s most interesting projects connected to the Park was the development of the three-dimensional model of the camp, to assist visitors with general orientation. The model, made in Sydney by Brian Hocking, was developed from aerial photographs, maps and drawings sourced by Lynette from various archives, and from her intimate knowledge of the camp’s layout and terrain.

creating the model

part of the camp

Model on display